Sunday, November 12, 2006

Don't Fruit the Beer Redux

Man Law No Fruit

To Clarify Oxymoron's earth-shaking annoucement, it is no longer permissible for men to put lime or orange slices in their beers. Harrogate hopes men everywhere enjoyed their experiences with this now banned procedure.

And notice the prominence of Triple H in crafting this legislation.


solon said...

It is true- this does end here. While these commercials were funny in the beginning...well, while these commercials may have been funny in the beginning, they no longer deserve to be taken seriously.

Man Law: references to bad commercials that feature washed up actors who are trying to recreate a bad form of commercial used by the same company twenty years ago should be outlawed on this blog.

solon said...

Beer is too important to allow Burt Reynolds or Triple H to determine its fate.

harrogate said...

First, umbrage. Harrogate takes umbrage--umbrage!!!!--at the designation "washed up," propounded by his esteemed colleague on the other side of the aisle, solon. To wit, Burt Reynolds' performance in _Boogie Nights_ was top notch, and Harrogate predicts a coming Renaissance of Burt that will make John Travolta's 90s look tepid by comparison.

As for Triple H, why, one has only to tune in to _Raw_ (Mondays on USA, 8:00 Central) to see the immense thespian qualities embodied by that magnifique personage.

Nevertheless, Harrogate sees much reason in solon's overall dismissal of the Man Laws as worthy of obeyance. Perhaps Harogate will break the "No Fruit" law tonight, in fact.

Moreover, it is indeed interesting that Harrogate and others would wax so playful when it comes to the Men of the Squared Table, given the rescent scrutiny beneath which Madson's "Women's Work" cartoon has been placed by many involved with this award-winning blog. So in the near future Harrogate proposes that one or more members of the Editorial Board analyze the "Man Laws" with the same laserlike precision that they rendered unto the Pelosi/McCaskill cartoons, the Pete's Couch commercial, the Haggard controversy, &c.

Should nobody heroically leap on and straddle this opportunity before tomorrow, Harrogate will disquisit on the subject in the hours leading up to _Raw_.

But don't worry, fans! _Raw_ will still get its own post!

Oxymoron said...

Are "Real Men of Genius" off limits, too?