But now the academic establishment has begun to take interest in this hot, steamy look at life in urban Idaho. Given the novel's scathing look at how Idaho's dominant corporate culture suppresses the liberating voice of Love, this is not surprising. And, through it's examination of how Idaho's Vietnamese block is routinely feminized in myriad ways, Southpaw's novel is a treat for feminists, postcolonialists, and ecocritics as well.
We are issuing a CFP for a conference in Boise to be held on July 4, 2007. Send cover letter and abstracts to desenuts.com.
You clearly have too much time on your hands, Harrogate.
Hey, Harrogate just goes where the news takes him. Readers need to know what's happening in the world of high art and literary criticism.
Dese Nuts? Really? Is Harrogate in junior high?
Again, Harrogate is only reporting news. Though he does feel compelled to point out that Southpaw's title is brilliantly crafted, given that, in general, junior high-ers are much wittier, and infinitely more poignant, than their sober governors.
Absolutely hilarious!
See, jae understands! Welcome, jae! You may look upon these threads as your own personal playground---that's what we do!
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