Once again, and forevermore, just as it is indeed true that Germans love David Hasselhoff, so too is it indisuptable that Harrogate loves--loves!!!!!--Bill Maher. Ever since Friday night, Harrogate has been waiting for the opportunity to post this clip, and finally, its availability is upon us. Goodbye, Douchebags, bounced from the Midterm Elections and the Arms of Britney Spears in one fell swoop of a sensually brutal Tuesday this hallowed November, 2006 AD.
And, can we finally get the ball rolling on nominating Bill Maher to host the next Oscars? Hey, Harrogate knows! Maybe Maher and Harold Ford could really make Tennesseans feel better about their lame decision by coming together, each escorting one of Hefner's (screamingly white) ladyfriends as dates. 'Twould be delish!

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