One day after Harrogate's child burst onto the scene, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon's daughter followed.
Click here for some analytic perspective on how Stephanie and/or Aurora might impact Triple H and Shawn Michaels' chances at Summerslam (Harrogate, meanwhile, continues to petition Mrs. Harrogate for clearance to purchase the event on Pay Per View, thus to share with his readership).
In Rhetoric of Fiction, Wayne Booth speaks at length about the concept of an implied author versus that of an imagined or so-called "real" author. Triple H's situation speaks brilliantly to the phenomenon upon which Booth has expounded. Is the "real" Triple H the one who is happily married to Stephanie McMahon and, undoubtedly, on good terms with new grandaddy Vince? In this scenario, the implied Triple H would then be the on screen persona attempting to rhetorically negotiate the complexities of fatherhood with a messy divorce while defending his own honor, and that of Shawn Michaels, against those terrible Elvis impersonators, Vince and Shane McMahon.
But then again, we could say that the real Triple H is the one brought to the people every Monday Night, and that the happily married Triple H is actually the construct about which nobody has any real knowledge.
Ahhh, the humanity of it all!
(On a slightly related note, Harrogate would like to apologize for misspelling Lita's name--during Monday's live blog he referred to that walking venereal disease as Leda, as in the Yeats poem. Thank Mrs. Harrogate for catching the mistake (though her own intense dislike for Lita no doubt tempted her, for a moment at least, to allow the misspelling to stand).
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