Well, it's crunch time in the Conneticut Democratic Primary: Lieberman's death grip on the seat may well be reaching it's final frontier as of tomorrow. Harrogate is holding his nose and endorsing Lamont, who's seeming zeal for Israeli aggression must be viewed in context with his overall committment to getting the US out of Iraq and, protecting civil liberties from the current drubbing it suffers in this country.
Moreover, Harrogate sides with the left blogosphere in the contention that Lieberman rhetorically impaled himself with his petulant vow to run as a "Petitioning Democrat" in the event that he loses the primary.
Here is the transcript from their July 7th debate
Naturally, both fellas are engaged in some eleventh hour politicking.
And see The Nation for some interesting rhetoric about the contest.
Finally, for the many Conneticut voters who have yet to make up their minds, here is Ned Lamont's website for your perusal.
We'll see what happens tomorrow!
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