Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A New Game

A name game for The Rhetorical Situation viewers: "Where in the World is Oxymoron?"

Readers are encouraged to offer their suggestions as to "Where in the World is Oxymoron?"

Winners will receive a sincere "Thank You" by Oxymoron. Hugs may also be available.

See official contest rules whenever they are posted.


harrogate said...

Oxymoron got lost in an extradimensional music store where everything he's always wanted is half-off, but he has to find a way to get the good back to this dimension?

solon said...

Oxymoron has been held prisoner is a corporate music chain that sells low end stereo equipment, movies, corporate music, computers, stoves, ovens, refrigaretors, ornaments that hang on your rearview mirror, soda (and yes that is soda and not pop), candy, boardgames, baseball cards, and push magazine subscriptions on you ever time you check out even though you may subscribe to them already or would in no way want to subscribe to them ever. DId I miss anything?

Amy Reads said...

Oxymoron is off having a life.
Which is, sad to say, more than I can say for most of us.

Oxymoron said...

Oxymoron is here.