Monday, October 27, 2008

Are you joking? Is this a joke?

I finally got around to watching this interview. OMG!


supadiscomama said...

Did you notice the titles of the different clips of this interview?

"Too tough"

"He lies, spins, distorts"

"Reporter asks tough questions--Obama campaign angry."

"Best. Interview. Evah."

supadiscomama said...

Oh--I think those titles reveal the desperation and total idiocy of the right. Hooray.

I'm sure they *are* pumped, though. That shit aired in Florida.

Biden did look pissed. I don't blame him. "I don't know who's writing your questions..."--I thought that was a nice jab. ;)

harrogate said...

Yes. The Right blogosphere is all aglow, splooging Hossannas and demanding Pulitzers for this learned Reporter who--Unlike everyone else in the Liberal Media®--aint afraid to ask the relevant questions.

solon said...

The woman's husband does media for the GOP. It was a setup from the start.

The Roof Almighty said...

Now, let's not be sexist. No matter who she's married to, can we not consider the possibility that she is rrrrrreally bad at her job without outside influence?

I mean, if her husband were coaching her, wouldn't he have scripted at least one follow-up question? Would he have so little respect for his wife that he would make her appear foolish in her awkwardly-reading-questions-out-of -order-while-seemingly-having-trouble-understanding-the-content-ishness to an immense segment of the world just to repeat currently popular talking points?

So here are our options: she's bad at her job or he's a terrible husband.

I predict that they are both so committed to their Republican party-identity that he will force himself to get caught fucking something shameful within 10 years and she will ride her woeful inadequacies to the governorship of some piss-ant state in {masturbation hand gesture}Real America{/masturbation hand gesture}.

The Roof Almighty said...

Director's commentary:

I had to change <> tags in the previous to {} because I got the best error message ever:

Your HTML cannot be accepted: Tag is not allowed: masturbation hand gesture