Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Hagel Talk Still Won't Go Away

Well, given the proximity of the convention, Obama's text message announcement of his Veep pick ought to be coming in any day. Speaking of: Have any Board Members signed up to get the text message as soon as he sends it?

Whatever the case may be, until that hallowed moment descends upon us like golden raindrops from above, the Hagel talk follows Tim Gunn's advice, and carries on.

This has been going on for a while. And Hagel as the Dems' VP nominee would be Theater of the Absurd Indeed, sort of an ecstatic mix of Brecht and Mamet and then whoever it was that wrote Legally Blonde 2, all rolled into one.

Harrogate's prediction: No Way in Hell Obama will do it. But even that seems less a product of ideological conviction than because of the sheer hubris it would take.

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