Tuesday, June 17, 2008

John McCain and the Conservative Elite

In today's The Washington Post, George Will belittles John McCain's understanding of the US Constitution. In his column today, Will not only attacks McCain for the Senator's support of campaign finance, but for the Senator's stance on the Supreme Court's recent decision on the rights of the detainees at Guantanamo Bay to petition the federal courts for a hearing.

After the Court released its decision, McCain called the decision one of the worst ever. In response, George Will attacked McCain for his lack of foresight and understanding of the Constitution:
"Did McCain's extravagant condemnation of the court's habeas ruling result from his reading the 126 pages of opinions and dissents? More likely, some clever ignoramus convinced him that this decision could make the Supreme Court -- meaning, which candidate would select the best judicial nominees -- a campaign issue."

Will's larger purpose is to defend the writ of habeas corpus and, in doing so, defends the ability of the people, and the judiciary, to constrain the power of government. Also, Will provides a conservative position to reject Senator McCain for president. This significance is that if the conservative elite divides itself over the election of John McCain then the conservative electorate may also divide itself.

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