Alright a little art lesson for you today: now to support the Reverend who finds P-duck's image disgusting, which one of you brainy-acts can tell me why I posted this image by David, "The Death of Marat" in relationship to P's image and to M's van der Weyden???? Trust me, the answer relates to the tenets of the TRS.
Sorry for the extended absence folks but been job hunting--think I got one but more to follow about the ordeals of academic job searches!
Let me give you a lesson in audience, my dear paperweight. If the purpose of the post was to spark an intellectual debate among your fellow situationers on the subject of art, sadly, you've failed. All you've managed to do is alienate those of us most interested in art, namely myself and P-duck, with your condescending tone and attitude. Always, always keep your audience in mind.
Oh cry me a river!
You posted the image because the document in Marat's hand is a rough draft of Lloyd Bitzer's "The Rhetorical Situation." Marat, as it is rumored, offered Bitzer a few final--and, of course, very important--suggestions for revision before the article was published in the first issue of Philosophy Rhetoric.
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