Friday, April 10, 2009


Sen. David Vitter will tea-bag. Fox News will cover your tea-bag.... Do you tea-bag?


Oxymoron said...


The Roof Almighty said...

I'd love to watch this.

In fact, I'd pack a sack lunch.

Oxymoron said...

Well, maybe not a whole lunch--just beer and peanuts.

The Roof Almighty said...

Vitter has stood up for ridiculous causes in the back. I wholly endorse him as he testes to the limit.

I hope that this isn't just a polite dip into insanity, but a smothering balls-out squat-thrust of self-destruction.

There's a word for that, its just on the tip of my tongue...

PS- Kirk Douglas's chin.

Oxymoron said...

I wish politicians like Vitter would just keep their crazy ideas to themselves, instead of hanging their brains out there for everyone to see.

The Roof Almighty said...

Paraphrase of a more wonderful Olbermann line last night:

*Regardless of whether the tea-bagging protests were has a grass-roots base, Newt Gingrich has opted to shove his version of tea-bagging down America's throat.*

Oh, 'lbermann! You are loved.