It is Tuesday Harrogate, Tuesday.
Of course, we have a new Ikea experience to discuss. Ikea in Brooklyn is in a rather dodgy area of Brooklyn, along the waterfront by the Battery Tunnel. To get to the store, you must drive through what looks like a terrible neighborhood, highlighted by the Police "Crime Scene" yellow tape that closed a block near the store. Yet, that was not the only spectacle to be seen.
In the spirit of Jeremy Bentham, the NYC's finest deployed a panopticon of sorts, the Police Watchtower, which contains four cameras. Normally this type of equipment is used for crowd control. Now, they have been employed to prevent crime and, according to the NYC PD, they have worked already in other areas of Brooklyn, even at the base of the Brooklyn Bridge (see below).

To celebrate Bentham's victory, here is "All Along the Watchtower," since "you and I have been through that and this is not our fate."
To listen to the Dylan version, click here.
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