Sunday, August 03, 2008

Anthrax, Iraq, and Religion: Lifestyle choices runnning amok

Salon has a good article on the use of chemical weapons in the US after 9/11 in order to incite a rhetoric of fear about Iraq.

All of this developed from the investigation, and presumed guilt, of Dr. Bruce E. Ivins who the FBI believes is the person responsible for mailing the Anthrax to journalists and representatives, killing five people in the process.

In the reporting about Ivins, someone found a few letters to the editors that he wrote about end-times prophecies. If these letters are correct, then he is a Dominionist, believing that Christianity should guide politics and law, especially in regards to the Middle East. It seems that the purpose of a war n the Middle East was to "speed things ups" and usher in end times. How narcissistic.

You can read the letters here.

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