Thursday, November 09, 2006

Olberman At His Best--Bye Bye "K-Fed," Britney Wins in Landslide

In this clip, readers, you'll definitely see Keith Olberman putting
the biscuit in the basket as he wittily covers Britney's escape from "K-Fed," which was definitely a move resoundingly approved by voters on both sides of the political aisle. None of us were ever happy that "K-Fed" wriggled his way into Britney's world: we were more than happy to make sure that she never had to work a day in her life because, in a way, we created her, made her what she is (and plus we all secretly like her anyway). But "K-Fed"? Come on, now. Even the biggest bleeding-heart liberal is going to balk at supporting such a leech as this.

"K-Fed" has been great for Raw precisely because he is just so damned boo-able, and Harrogate will concede that the dude is doing a great job maximizing that effect. It will be interesting now to see if they make fun of him for losing Britney on that program...

Speaking of Raw. Harrogate was wrong, then, in his suspicions that Raw was setting up an appearance by Britney Spears, but he at least has the satisfaction of knowing that he was among the very first to call the split-up, on election night Tuesday November 7th. Tether that together with Oxymoron's stunning inside scoop on the Claire McCaskill victory in Missouri, hours ahead of the nearest media outlet, and you will see why everyone's talking about The Rhetorical Situation as only second to Pete's Couch in terms of places to be.


Oxymoron said...

Wrong clip.

harrogate said...

Oxymoron, Harrogate's pretty sure that this is the right clip, but that there are sometimes two ads preceding it, the second of which might seem like the clip itself. At least, it's coming up on Harrogate's computer. Could you try again and make totally sure you're not picking up Olberman's Britney discuourse?

Oxymoron said...

I was routed to a five minute Fergalicious video. If this is the second ad to which refer in your above response, then I'm sorry, but I don't have the perseverance to sit through all of it. I'll try again shortly.

Dana and Nick said...

The clip worked for me...

harrogate said...

Oxymoron and other readers, the Fergalicious video can be fast-forwarded, which Harrogate did, despite the greatness of the video.

Oxymoron said...

Got it. And with no Fergalicious video this time. Go figure...???

Anyway, my favorite part of this clip: Olberman calls him Fed-Ex. I really hope it sticks.

Thanks for being the first to break this story, Harrogate. Even before it happened.

I tell you, I'm surprised that more political and pop culture junkies aren't getting their news from The Rhetorical Situation.

harrogate said...

Well, oxymoron, Peoria was not built in a day, as they say. Remember that we only began in August, and now that we have added the star power of Southpaw (whose recent romance novel, _West of Dese Nuts_, just broke to #1 on the New York Times bestseller list) and the inimitable, controversial firebrand known nationwide as p-duck, it won't be long before we are invited to all the big blog-parties on election night.

Dana and Nick said...

So delicious...