Friday, October 27, 2006

Warm Up For Midterms--Let Your Vote Impact WWE's Cyber Sunday

Harrogate implores readers to do the right thing and be engaged citizens who participate, through voting, in the shaping of important cultural phenomena.

Do not be complacent: maybe you're personally rolling in good fortune, but these elections have consequences that extend beyond your little bubble and into the lives of millions of less fortunate. And ideaologues: This election season, don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good! A vote for Jonathan Coachman as guest referee for DX vs. Randy Orton/Edge still effects better policy than voting for Mr. McMahon, for example.

Go here to exercise your voting rights as November rolls in. Not to unduly abuse his influence a la his counterparts on Clearchannel and ABC, Harrogate nevertheless humbly offers the following suggestions as excellent choices:

1)Vote for "K-Fed's" Champion of Choice--King Booker (the one with the crown; duh)--as the one whose title must go on the line in the threeway with Big Show and Cena. It is Harrogate's belief that this move may ultimately domino effect into the Queen of Class, Britney Spears, arriving on the WWE scene in the near future. And besides, if you don't vote and Cena winds up getting screwed outta his title at the Pay-Per-View, the blood is on your hands.

2)Vote for Dusty Rhodes as Ric Flair's partner to challenge The Spirit Squad for the Tag team Championship. Remember, a vote for Dusty Rhodes is a vote for The American Dream.

3)Harrogate has already held forth his views regarding Coachman. Bischoff and Mr. McMahon are greater evils, they deserve to get Nadered here.

4)Vote for Carlito to get the Intercontinental Title Shot against Jeff Hardy. A vote against Carlito would be decidedly "uncool."

And remember fans, in the spirit of Diebold, you can vote as many times as you want for any given candidate!!!!

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