Friday, October 27, 2006

The Republican Divide over Religion

A split in the Republican party will occur over the intrusion of religion into politics.

It seems that the US is not actually a Christian Nation after all. Well, half the country knew that; the other half decided there was no need to believe that, displaced the facts, swept them under the rug, or places them next to the WMD is Iraq. Read George Will and Garry Wills on the role of religion in the Early Republic.

I have been teaching a Church/ State class this semester and find it interesting that (1) students do not possess a historical awareness of religious liberty and (2) certain religions,who were oppossed to the combinaiton of Church and State changed their position.

In 1960, JFK delivered "Address to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association" about the relationship between Church and State. He delivered this speech because Baptists were worried that "Big John" would control "Little John." It is one of the most important modern speeches about the meaning of the First Amendment and Religious Liberty.

This is a speech that many should read. But, let's be honest: those who do read it most likely do not need to read it.

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