Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Fair and Balanced: Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before

Thank G-d for Fox News. Today, Gov. Mark Sanford (D) of South Carolina admitted that instead of hiking the Appalachian Trail, he took a five or six day to trip to hike in Argentina. He amended that statement to say he went to Argentina to see his mistress.

During the Press Conference, Fox News was right there to help his cause:

What? Sanford is a Conservative Republican? Does that mean Fox News made a mistake when defining someone to confuse its viewers? Seriously? They would do that? Again?

And, since I watch Fox, I thought only Democrats had affairs....

1 comment:

Oxymoron said...

"Up next on Fox & Friends, we'll play clips from the newly-released Nixon tapes from 1973, where the former Democratic President weighs in on interracial pregnancy and Jewish-American relations."