To continue a conversation that should have been stopped weeks ago....
The ACLU submitted an amicus brief on behalf of Senator Larry Craig arguing that the Minnesota Law is overbroad and that toe-tapping is free speech. If nothing else, the toe-tapping fun of Senator Craig is certainly a means of communication. Slate has the story here.
Since this news broke, 4,378 conservative heads exploded as they pondered why the ACLU would help Senator Craig. Of course, ACLU haters believe this is more about protecting perversion than privacy:
Of course, for the “non-partisan” organization, this is more about protecting perversion than politics or privacy. As much as the media will make a day out of a conservative getting support from the ACLU, its really the solicitation for sex that is being defended.
Could you ask for anything more in this case?
Your move Harrogate, your move.
1 comment:
1)Harrogate is glad this conversation didn't end weeks ago. Clearly the interlocutors involved feel pretty strongly about their respective positions and therefore, anything less than staking said positions out would be, as they used to say in the deodorant commercials, uncivilized.
2)Why Solon continues to imply that Harrogate favors Craig getting into legal trouble over this, is hard to figure out.
But Harrogate will try to understand, and respond further, in his next post.
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