Saturday, February 03, 2007

Standardized Tests for College

It works so well for elementary, middle, and high school students, why not try it here? According to Inside Higher Ed, Texas Gov. Slick Rick Perry wants gaduating seniors to take standardized tests in their field of study. While this will not affect whether or not the student graduates, it will alter how universities receiving funding form the state. The schools with higher scores will receive more funding. According to Perry, these tests will provide:
“a simple and understandable way to compare the quality of degree programs offered at different schools, and academic departments would be able to better assess and refine curricula.”

There are a lot of questions that correlate to the idea of a test at this level:
(1) What subjects could be tested?
(2) How could you test certain humanities subjects and allow for student creativity and interpretation?
(3) How will this effect admissions policies?
(4) If this were to pass, would this alter a liberal arts education?
(5) Will this hinder the search or discovery for knowledge?

This reminds me of Florida's attempt to teach history as being "factual" rather than "constructed" and to make sure it is by pssing a bill to force teachers to teach it this way. To see the Florida bill, go here.

Oh, well. It is only Texas. It is just anohter attempt here to help those who do not need the help.


Dr. Peters said...

For further discussion:

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