Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Detroit...Kansas City...Ooowww!

The Rocky Balboa countdown continues in slightly different fashion today. Instead of posting a clip from one of the Rocky sequels, I've decided to post a video of Mr. James Brown performing "Living in America," one of the most memorable moments of Rocky IV.

What is left to say? Except Wooowwww!!!

Just 2 more days left to go. Huh!

1 comment:

harrogate said...

Disclaimer alert. When Harrogate was in high school in the late 80s he owned a cassette of the Rocky IV Soundtrack that he played all the time for months on end. And now, given the power of Oxymoron's blogging, he thinks he'll find a cheap used CD through Amazon and order it, just to keep the love alive.

The James Brown song Harrogate has always adored beyond measure.

Speaking of Brown's Ode to America, Sly's attempt to inject Cold War politics into his saga remains a seriously mixed bag for Harrogate. But in the spirit of Christmas and in honor, again, of the roll Oxymoron is currently on, Harogate will focus on the good, for there is indeed a lot of good. Not GREAT, like the first Rocky. But lots that makes it well worth checking out.

The training scenes, montage and all, in the Russian countryside, are well worth watching. Instead of Museum steps Rocky ascends a mountain which results in a breathtaking panoramic shot within which stands one small underdog, but also one but seriously defiant motherfucker, one who has come to remember he's supposed to be elated with the gift of life.

Like everyone else with a soul Harrogate's eyes get a little watery every time Rocky goes into that climactic "We can all change" speech at the end, and the Soviet Brass all stands in unison with the Russian people to give him a standing ovation.

And also Drago throwing his totalitarian manager off of him after losing the match but finally winning his dignity, and his wife cheering him on, that was a very satisfying moment as well.

And do not forget that the match takes place on Christmas. Stallone has often spoken of the Christian symbology built into the Rocky movies. Tis worth further analysis.

March on, brother Oxymoron.

March on.