One of Harrogate's favorite spewers of noxious bile is John Gibson of Fox News Channel. Gibson epitomizes what the network means by Fair and Balanced, and he epitomizes the contemporary Uhmerrikahn soul in more ways than most dreamy liberals (excepting of course the incomparable Harrogate himself) could ever admit without hurling across the room.
Check this out, for example
Gotta love how "pretty boy" Gibson clarifies his position at the end:
"You don't have to conform," he soothes. "You just have to give up the urge to be separate and apart and unwilling to assimilate like the rest of us."
Oh, is that all? Harrogate feels much better now, and he'll try to pass along similar rhetoric to all of those in Uhmerrikah who experience the misfortune of being "different." After all the sageness of his advice surely doesn't stop with them there funny-lookin' observant fundie Muslims. Homosexuals, atheists, people who don't worship the dollar as the be all and end all of existence, women seeking to control their own bodies/destinies without first obtaining permission from the local Baptist patriarch, people who don't think the only way to untie a knot is to cut it through the middle, &c. All of these and many many more will be pleased to know they can avoid persecution so long as they supresses their urge to "be seperate."
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