Thursday, October 05, 2006

We all make mistakes, Solon

For your amusement, Solon, I thought I'd share a mistake from my dissertation:

"Chatper 1."

Yes, that's right, I misspelled my first word. And this is all I've written.


harrogate said...

That right there is classic dissertating, brother. Beautiful, and a joy forever to boot.

harrogate said...

Also, oxymoron, your title, tethered with the subject of these last two threads, reminds me of a great photo/caption that appeared all over Yahoo in the wake of the whole "Runaway Bride" fiasco.

After discovering he'd been had, the abandoned fiance--John Mason-- a real southern gentleman if ever there was one, got a lot of coverage for openly forgiving his bride-to-be--Jennifer Wilbanks-- going on a gaggle of cable news shows to invoke New Testament principles on her behalf.

The photo was an absurdly zoomed-in and exaggeratedly large shot of Mason's kindly, imploring face. The caption, in huge font, trumpeted the following question:


solon said...

There is a difference between oxymoron's mistake, my mistake, and the newspapers mistakes. While we are just not paying attention, the newspaper is using the rhetorical figure of enallage, or, for another example, "We was robbed."

harrogate said...

But Solon, if you're referring to the Mason quote, which Harrogate believes you are, then remember, he really was being quoted verbatim.

It's more like the Brooklyn Dodger fans of the 50's who really DID say "we wuz robbed," and meant it.

Now, all that being said, Harrogate cheerfully cedes the fact that his example does fit neatly in with the other two, since Mason, again, said what he said on porpoise, whereas you and Oxymoron really did make MISTAKES. But then, you know, I remember wondering when Yahoo pasted that caption all over the internet, if they weren't in some subtle way making fun of his 'bumpkinness.' He was being treated as something of a doormat laughingstock kind of guy, if Harrogate remembers the coverage correctly.

Either way, Mason's accidental double entendre, "Ain't we all made mistakes?" is still a great response to Oxymoron's title, and to what happened with both you and Oxymoron, in Harrogate's humble opinion.