Friday, October 13, 2006

Let me get personal for a minute...

I want to take some time to thank Solon for introducing me to a new brand of beer this past weekend. After putting down several Modelos on Saturday night, I tried one of his Dogfish Head IPAs. Boy, was it good!

It was so good, in fact, that I ran to the liquor store earlier this week and picked up a few for myself. I had to purchase them in singles, as my local store had stopped carrying the brand and was selling off its remaining stock by the bottle (to make room in their larger coolers for more popular varieties of beer). I bought last two they had. I think they were 120-minute IPAs.

I brought my two beers home (along with a few other sample singles) and decided to pop them open after dinner. Keep in mind that I was not planning to get loopy that night; I just wanted a Doghead or two. And they sure hit the spot.

But I had no idea that they were 20% alcohol. Before finishing my second beer, I was buzzing pretty good. I didn't quite understand it. I thought that all beers were of the same alcohol content. Something like 4.5-5%, required by law. At least that what it used to be in my home state. I never knew that the %ABV went this high in beers.

So thank you, Solon, for turning me on to Dogfish Head. And thank you for encouraging me to always check the alcohol content of my beer.


On another note, I'd like to welcome Southpaw to The Rhetorical Situation. As you may have gathered from his last few posts, he is an entertaining and intellegent bloke who is sure to offer a unique perspective to our humble blog. Welcome, Southpaw!


solon said...

You are a lucky man. I have not had an opportunity to enjoy the 120 Minute-- the store by my house does not sell them. I started to doubt their existence.

I normally aternate between the the 60 minute and the 90 minute. I think the 90 minute is an excellent dinner beer. Oddly enough, I have never enjoyed more than two of the 90 minute in one sitting because of their strength-- 9% ABV. I can't imagine what the 120 would be like.

Oxymoron said...

The guy at my store recommended their Raison D'Extra beer. He said it's one of the best he's tasted. If I find a 6-er, I'll share it with you. I might also share with Harrogate, as I hear he likes raisons. Or is that raisins?

solon said...

I've tried the Raison D'Extra as well. For some reason, I do not crave it like I crave the others. I just cannot explain why-- though I do think my use of crave is slightly midleading. (Of course, I stopped up at the store at 10:30 this morning to buy a 6 pack of the 60 minute and a 4 pack of the 90 minute. Would it be better if I said that by 10:30 I already taught class?)

I hear raisons, raisins, as well as raisens, like Harrogate too. They are a matched made in Haides or somewhere similar. Now, if we could only introduce Harrogate to a modem, keyboard, and a computer with the hopes of them connecting. Then we would be in good shape.

Speaking of absent writers, I am glad you introduced Southpaw. Now, hopefully he will contribute.

And to the other mysterious persons, the invitations have been sent. I'm glad I never asked either of you to the prom since you can't find the time to respond.

harrogate said...

Harrogate first of all has got to try these beers under discussion, ought to have solicited advie at Oxymoron's baby shower. Harrogate's idea of "buying beer," sadly, remains picking up a six of Bud Light at the convenience store whenever he's going to watch a ball game.

Harrogate also appreciates being missed, and he's missed his friends as well, and relishes seeing them when the opportunities present themselves, and encourages everyone to create more opportunities to the best of their ability.

And Harrogate promises posts soon.