Sunday, February 17, 2008

Super Delegates

The New York Times has another article on Super Delegates. This one is interesting for the "themes" of the campaign: Old versus New Democrats; success in Red v. Blue States; Loyalty versus Opportunity or Loyalty versus Judgment.

Here is something else the delegates will need to examine, the pledged delegates. There are 1075 pledges delegates remaining. Here is the current count:

CNN (including Super Delegates):
Senator Obama 1,262
Senator Clinton 1,213.

New York Times: (Pledged Delegates)
Senator Obama 934
Senator Clinton 892.

AP (w/ Super Delegates)
Senator Obama: 1,275
Senator Clinton: 1,220

Senator Obama: 1,116
Senator Clinton: 985

If Senator Obama receives a 60% - 40% split that could be a decisive advantage and a strong argument that the remaining Super Delegates should support him (it would give him over 1,900 hundred delegates according to the AP and CNN estimates and leaving Senator Clinton with approximately 1,700.)

If Senator Clinton receives a 60% to 40% split, she will (according to the MSNBC) take a slim lead, making the involvement of the Super Delegates more controversial. There will be no clear winner and no clear argument as to who the Super Delegate will support.

Well Texas, what will you do?

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