Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Finally! Someone explains why feminists are such hypocritical bitches!

Cathy Young, in her editorial for the Wall Street Journal, explains "Why Feminists Hate Sarah Palin." Thanks, Ms. Young, for clearing that up.

Bitch, Ph.D. posted a response.

Read, then discuss amongst (y)ourselves.

1 comment:

harrogate said...

Great post Supa. Very thought provoking. The Wall Street Article is a great example of how Arguments often intrlace truth and lies seamlessly. It all comes down to framing, in the end.

Maybe the adage about making lemons out of lemonade works best with the 2008 election.

We were disheartened by Demo Primary enthusiasm over historicity when what was really at stake was staving off GOP rule and restoring some sense of reasonableness to the Federal government.

We remain disheartened at the election's revolution around questions of race, gender, and performative identity. Of course George W. Bush, a Connecicut Blueblood and hard core Wall Street Corporatist, who got away with wearing cowboy costumes and a fighter pilot costume and pushing the "frontier" image, should have taught us the samne lesson.

But ahhhhhh . . . .that didn't work.

But yet. Maybe in the end lemonade will result. Maybe this most recent absurd spectacle has provided all of us a fresh opportunity to reevaluate some things we used to think we were sure of, but now see the dangerousness of, when taken to their logical conclusion.

Hmmmm. Before Bush's cowboy and flight costumes. One would have hoped that Clarence Thomas would have exposed these same dangers but one would have been, again, mistaken. As it were.

But hope spring eternal. Maybe in the future we will pay a bit less attention to the surface and a bit more to the ideas and consequences at stake, when choosing those who preside over questions of liberty, life and death.

Or maybe not.