Monday, January 14, 2008

Humor and the Campaign

I planned to write a substantive piece on the primaries. Instead, I have been reading and writing about the Supreme Court. Blah, Blah. (By the way, for some reason, I taught my 11 1/2 month-old daughter to say "blah, blah" last month. Yet, she refused to say "Dah!" or "Da-Da" on a regular basis until this weekend."

Here is a link to a witty one-liner blog, Twitter by Anna Marie Cox-- an editor of Time and inventor of the fabulous blog, Wonkette.

Here are a few excerpts:
Oakland Co. GOP Dinner: Local honcho announces, "I haven't seen so many Republicans gathered in one room since the opening of Hooters." Auto Show: Huckabee's tie matches his wife's dress. Has smaller press contingent than Mitt but seems just as bored.

Myrtle Beach: Ron Paul has the voice of a sick cat.

Myrtle Beach: Huck should just plead the 5th on foreign policy.Who gave Fred Thompson a Red Bull?

Chuck norris' teeth are as white as Iowa. And just as large.

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